Bun Coffee have been roasting the internationally recognised trade marked branded coffee since it began over 11 years ago and this is the story as to why.Read more.

Rainforest Alliance Coffee

Rainforest Alliance certification is your guarantee that a batch of coffee has been produced ethically, according to the guidelines provided by the Rainforest Alliance. To use the Rainforest Alliance Coffee green frog certification brands must allow the Rainforest Alliance, an international non government organisation based in New York to inspect their operations. Companies that use the Rainforest Coffee Alliance seal on their website or packaging must follow the following guidelines:
  1. They must ensure their coffee growing or sourcing practices are fair and ethical
  2. They must pay their workers a wage that is fair and on time
  3. They must not employ children under 15 years of age; if children over 15 are to be employed, their employment must not get in the way of their schooling
  4. While growing, sourcing or distributing coffee - the biodiversity of forests must not be harmed in any way
  5. The course of waterways must not be altered

Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee

The Rainforest Coffee Alliance is not the only seal you need if you are engaged in roasting or distributing coffee in Australia Today, customers also demand other certifications like Fair Trade, Australian Certified Organic, HACCP, Swiss Water Processedand Global Coffee Platform. Bun Coffee possesses all these certifications which makes its coffee good to the last drop!

Australian Certified Organic

Australian Certified Organic certifies coffee and other produce as being organic in Australia, China, Japan, Korea and an expanding list of nations in Asia. Bun Coffee proudly uses the Australian Certified Organic seal for all it's coffees, including our top-selling espresso blend. All the organic coffee you buy from us - whether blended or single origin - you can be sure has had no chemicals, fertilisers or pesticides added to them at any stage in the production process.

HACCP Australia

HACCP Australia certifies equipment, material and services as being food safe. All the coffee roasting and coffee making equipment at Bun Coffee Australia is certified as safe by HACCP. Any coffee you buy from us, you can be sure is 100% safe for you to enjoy!

Swiss Water Processed

The Swiss Water Process is a specialised decaffeination process which is used by Bun Coffee. The process is 100% chemical free and maintains the unique flavours of our coffee whilst being 99.9% caffeine free.

Global Coffee Platform

The Global Coffee Platform connects coffee growers, roasters, importers and traders making sure each understand their responsibility to each other and perform it. GCP members share costs, cooperatively approach how their coffees and marketed and overall, buy into an ethical approach to producing and selling the beverage.

Bun Coffee proudly stocks rainforest alliance coffee beans

“Being ethical in the way we source and distribute our coffees has never really been a problem for us” says Bun Coffee Founder, David Kennedy. “It’s the way we’ve done business since day one here in Byron Bay. If an ethical or “good” cup of coffee is what you’re after, then Bun Coffee is the company you should be doing business with. With Organic, Fair Trade and Rainforest alliance coffees from over 40 countries including blends and single origin coffee, we welcome you to try our beans - we are positive you’ll never be disappointed you did! To enquire about our coffee, please call us now on +61 2 6680 9798 or email sales@buncoffee.com.au Read Less
Q: So what does Rainforest Alliance actually mean to the person drinking this interesting coffee?
A: When you stop and learn a little about how the founder of Rainforest Alliance Daniel Katz started this revolution some 30 years ago, you can taste and feel the goodness in the coffee you are enjoying. By choosing and drinking this coffee you are supporting farmers who are educated, paid correctly and who are using sustainable farming practices to farm their crops, producing some of the world's most amazing tasting coffee.Q: What are some key principals of the Rainforest Alliance Farming practices?
A: The farmers operate an environmental and social management system that conforms to their local laws.
They record and put in place ways to reduce energy use and use renewable energy where possible. This also includes protecting waterways and wetlands from erosion and contamination, prohibiting logging and deforestation and maintaining vegetation barriers.
Another key principle is the support of the people working in and managing these farms, they are paid a legal minimum wage and have access to education and healthcare services. The farms also have OH and S programs which are reducing the risks and accidents that can occur.
They are improving the soils for the long term by using organic fertilisers, propagating ground cover vegetation and natural barriers to reduce erosion and runoff of sediments to the rivers, streams and lakes.Q: When and how did this all begin?
A: This amazing journey started in 1986 when the need to respond to a crisis was recognised.
"Every minute, 50 acres (20 ha) of rainforest are destroyed, and two dozen species become extinct every day. Led by founder Daniel Katz, a group of volunteers convenes a major conference on the crisis" and from this event, the Rainforest Alliance is born." RFA website states.
We need to stop polluting and damaging our most precious rainforests and to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behaviour.Q : How does the coffee I buy get certified by the Rainforest Alliance?
A: Coffee growers have their operations examined by inspectors. Once operations are approved, the Rainforest Alliance seal can be used on consumer products containing the produce from that farm.
Coffee producers are just one of many groups the Rainforest Alliance certifies. It offers certification of sustainable practices for timber companies, pineapple farmers, ornamental flower growers, and many other kinds of businesses.
So help us at Bun Coffee to make a difference and look out for our top-shelf favourite "green packed" Rainforest Alliance Certified shade grown coffee blend and our growing range of Rainforest Alliance Certified single origins.