Sulawesi Toraja Pango Pango

Strength Profile
Rating of 1 means Mild.
Rating of 10 means Strong.
The rating of this product for "" is 6.

This semi-washed coffee has a smooth body, a sweet, pronounced grapefruit acidity and a delicate herbal tea finish

Region: Toraja


Altitude: 1850 MASL

Varietal: Typica, Lini S, S796

Process: Semi Washed

The Bloom Coffee Project is a collaboration of producers whose goal is to change the perception of Indonesian coffee among coffee consumers. By applying various experimental processing methods to their highest-quality beans, the producers introduced a wide range of unique flavour compositions to the coffee market. Some of Bloom’s micro lots were acknowledged during the recent national Cup of Excellence competition.


Origin Story

Indonesia boasts a rich history of coffee production; however, the specialty market has recently overlooked its coffees. We are excited to offer you high-quality coffees sourced from various unique regions in Indonesia.

The Mandheling region of Sumatra is notable for a distinctive characteristic—the wet-hulled process or gilling basah—unique to Indonesia. The prevailing high humidity levels impede the beans from drying adequately before hulling. The wet-hulled process commences with a standard pulping step to remove the cherry skin. The beans are then placed in fermentation tanks, where a significant portion of the mucilage layer remains intact on the parchment. Overnight, the beans undergo a dry fermentation within their pulp.

Subsequently, they undergo a washing process. The parchment is dried briefly until it reaches a 25 to 30% moisture level. Producers can sell their coffee as wet or partially dried parchment to buying centres, hulling it at the elevated moisture level, facilitating a faster drying process.

What Makes Our Coffee So Delicious?

Our customers ask us this all the time. And it’s no secret ingredient! At Bun Coffee, we pride ourselves on delivering the freshest coffee in Australia. And the difference is remarkable.

Coffee loses its intense, aromatic flavours over time. Nothing compares to the sensory experience of fresh ground coffee. And as coffee lovers, Bun Coffee prioritises the impact of flavour and freshness on the overall quality of our products.

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